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The Earth Observer: Jul - Aug, 2000

Volume 12, Issue 4

In This Issue

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  • Editor's CornerFront Cover
  • Science Team Meetings
  • EOS Aura’s International OMI Science Team Meets in the Netherlands3
  • Science Articles
  • The CEOS Land Product Validation (LPV) Subgroup6
  • The CEOS Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS) and Global Observation of Forest Cover (GOFC)8
  • Sustaining Earth’s Life Support Systems — The Challenge For The Next Decade And Beyond10
  • The “Anthropocene”12
  • NASA Scientists Detect Rapid Thinning Of Greenland’s Coastal Ice14
  • NASA Satellite Technology To Monitor Motor Vehicle Pollution17
  • Announcements
  • NASA Unveils New Catalog Of Earth Science Images2
  • What’s New In eos.nasa.gov5
  • EOS Scientists in the News13
  • GSFC To Assume Lead Center Responsibility For Earth Science Education15
  • EOS Science Calendar15
  • Global Science Calendar19
  • Information/InquiriesBack cover

Editor's Corner

Michael King,  EOS Senior Project Scientist

The EOS Data Products Handbook (Volume 2) has recently been completed. This Handbook, edited by Claire Parkinson and Renny Greenstone, provides a brief description of the science data products that will be available from the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS). The objective of this Handbook is to promote a broader understanding of how the EOS data products will contribute to science research in the understanding, analysis, and monitoring of global climate change. This volume describes data products that are currently being produced or soon will be produced from instruments onboard ACRIMSAT, Aqua, Landsat 7, Jason-1, Meteor 3M, QuikScat and QuikTOMS. The data descriptions in this reference have been reviewed by the science teams for accuracy. This follow-on to Volume I, published in 1997 for the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), Terra (formerly EOS AM-1), and Data Assimilation, includes information on the size of the individual data products and the number of data files produced per time interval. The Handbook will be distributed to all EOS PI’s, Co-I’s, Instrument Team members, and DAACs. Printed copies are available from the Project Science Office or electronically via the World Wide Web (

July marks the one-year anniversary of QuikScat science data availability. All QuikScat data have been reprocessed and are now available from the...