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NASA's Earth Observing System provides a variety of materials available for download. Feel free to choose a category below:

2020 NASA Science Calendar
PDF icon 2020 NASA Science Calendar 508 final.pdf

The 2020 NASA Science Calendar: There’s never been a better year to explore, never a better time to step into the unknown, and never a better opportunity to help protect and improve life on Earth as a result of this work. In fact, during the last few years, NASA Science has set the foundation for defining moments in many areas. Our groundbreaking science, innovative approaches, and inspiring missions are opening the door and leading the way for NASA to go forward to the Moon and ultimately Mars.

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2020 NASA Science Calendar (Spanish Version)
PDF icon 2020 NASA Science Calendar Spanish 508 final reduced size.pdf

Nunca ha habido un mejor año para explorar, nunca un mejor momento para adentrarse en lo desconocido y nunca una mejor oportunidad para ayudar a proteger y mejorar la vida en la Tierra como resultado de nuestro trabajo. De hecho, durante los últimos años, la ciencia de la NASA ha sentado las bases para definir hitos en muchas áreas. Nuestra ciencia pionera, métodos innovadores y misiones inspiradoras están abriendo la puerta y liderando el camino para que la NASA avance hacia la Luna y hacia Marte.

This publication appears in:

2019 NASA Science Calendar
PDF icon 2019 NASA Science Calendar_final_508.pdf

2019 NASA Science calendar

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NASA Science 2018 Commemorative Calendar
PDF icon 2018 calendar_color_508.pdf

NASA Science 2018 Commemorative Calendar

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2017 NASA Science Mission Directorate Calendar
PDF icon 2017 NASA Science Calendar (4.87 MB)

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2016 NASA Science Mission Directorate Calendar
PDF icon 2016 Calendar Color 508.pdf

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2015 NASA Science Mission Directorate Calendar
PDF icon 2015_Calendar_508.pdf

This publication appears in:

2014 NASA Science Mission Directorate Calendar
PDF icon 2014 calendar final_508.pdf

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2013 NASA Science Mission Directorate Calendar
PDF icon 2013Calendar.pdf

This publication appears in:

2012 NASA Science Mission Directorate Calendar
PDF icon 2012Calendar.pdf

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