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Science Communication Material

NASA's Earth Observing System provides a variety of materials available for download. Feel free to choose a category below:

Earth Day Booklet (2009)
PDF icon 2009Earth_Day_Booklet.pdf

In celebration of Earth Day, NASA invites you to learn more about the agency’s commitment to understanding our changing planet by completing the activities in this booklet.

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Earth Observatory (2011)
PDF icon 2011EO_Postcard508.pdf

Find out what NASA’s Earth Observatory has to offer.

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Ecological Forecasting (2005)
PDF icon 2005_eco_litho_alt.pdf

Ecological forecasting involves the use of Earth observations and models to predict the impacts of environmental changes on the ecosystems upon which we depend for our very existence. It links the physical world of climate and geology to the living world of biology and ecology. Our goal is reliable forecast models of changes in living systems with uncertainties and estimates of error explicitly stated. These models must span spatial scales from molecular to global, as well as take advantage of information across time scales to test and refine the accuracy of our predictions. NASA is currently involved in several international and domestic partnerships under the theme of ecological forecasting.

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Energy Management (2003)
PDF icon 2003_energy_litho_alt.pdf

Our nation is critically dependent on stable and reliable sources of energy. Traditionally, much of this demand has been met by burning fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas, but in recent years, considerable evidence has been amassed that these fuels can impact our environment, and alternative sources of fuel have been explored. Nuclear energy has been put forth as a cleaner alternative and used successfully in a few places but this source is not without its own set of environmental concerns. Other alternatives to fossil fuels are now emerging, including renewable energy technologies (RETs) like solar energy and wind power, and biomass fuels such as corn-based ethanol and other species under development. These alternative fuel sources can help reduce mankind’s dependence on fossil fuels and, at the same time, may help to improve our quality of air.

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EOS Science: Air (2007)
PDF icon NASAAirPoster.pdf

The EOS Science: Air Poster Series explains what NASA scientists are doing to study and understand air on Earth.

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EOS Science: Ice (2007)
PDF icon NASAIcePoster.pdf

The EOS Science: Ice poster explains what NASA scientists are doing to study and understand Ice here on Earth.

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EOS Science: Land (2007)
PDF icon NASALandPoster.pdf

The EOS Science: Land poster explains what NASA scientists are doing to study and understand land here on Earth.

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EOS Science: Water (2007)
PDF icon NASAWaterPoster.pdf

The EOS Science: Water poster explains what NASA scientists are doing to study and understand water here on Earth.

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International Water Management (2010)
PDF icon 2010_WaterMngtIntLitho.pdf

NASA’s Applied Sciences Program provides remote sensing and technology information for international water management. Information from NASA is used for society’s benefit, in areas such as water resource planning and management, famine early warning and drought monitoring, food security predictions, disaster management, and water quality. International water management projects are of particular importance in addressing the issues that developing nations and data limited regions face.

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Invasive Species (2006)
PDF icon 2006_invasive_species_litho.pdf

Invasive species may be defined as a non-native plant, animal, or microbe whose introduction causes, or is likely to cause, harm to the economy, the environment, or human health. Increasing globalization—the rapid transportation of people and goods throughout the Earth—provides the opportunity and the mechanism for such species to enter the United States and thrive in new habitats. Each year, the U.S. incurs direct losses of approximately $120 billion dollars due to these invasive species—an annual cost greater than most natural disasters combined.

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